A New Community Band for The Greater York County Area

CRW News

The latest from the Catawba River Winds

CRW Spring 2023 – Thank You!

Good Morning, CRW!

A few days have passed since our concert, and I want to congratulate you all on an outstanding performance! I received so many encouraging comments from audience members on Sunday. They enjoyed it – and I think you did too, by the looks on your faces! There are few things better in life than making music with friends. Pulling off this kind of repertoire in four preparation rehearsals is a challenging feat for a community band. Thank you very much for your commitment to our ensemble, yourselves, and each other. Bravi tutti!

One difficult task when starting any endeavor like ours is building an audience. Thanks to you and others, we had a great crowd on Sunday! I hope many of them can return to our future concerts – because we have some great things brewing for the future!

Lastly, thanks to our hosts (Ray & Andrew) at Nation Ford High School again for your kind hospitality in lending us your facility and equipment. CRW values our partnership with you very much and looks forward to finding meaningful ways to contribute to your program. Connie and I are working to finalize dates for the 2023-2024 season and will be in touch with those dates and participation confirmation forms soon.

Have a wonderful summer, and stay safe!


Ryan W. Tinker
CRW Co-Founder / Conductor

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