A New Community Band for The Greater York County Area

About CRW


The Catawba River Winds was formed in the Fall of 2021 following a meeting of two former area band directors, Connie Grantham and Ryan Tinker. The band held its first performance in May 2022 with approximately eighty musicians and an audience of 400. Our present band roster exceeds seventy active band participants presenting to enthusiastic audiences from the greater York County area.

Mission & Purpose

The mission of the Catawba River Winds is to provide high-quality and challenging musical experiences for its band participants while educating and entertaining the local community through live wind band music. We are dedicated to providing an opportunity for life-long musical expression and enjoyment, promoting artistic enrichment in our community, and preserving the traditional wind band’s rich repertoire and cultural history. The Catawba River Winds offers a friendly and relaxed atmosphere that unites its band participants through a shared love of music and a drive toward the highest level of community band participation.

Formal Organization

The Catawba River Winds is registered with the Secretary of State of South Carolina as a non-profit corporation and the US Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Leadership and fiscal responsibility rest with the Board of Directors.

As an all-volunteer ensemble, the band makes no provision for the remuneration of performers, administrators, or directors.

Meet Our Conductors

Connie Grantham & Ryan Tinker
Co-Founders & Co-Conductors
Click Here for more information.

CRW Board of Directors

Joshua Bouldin, President
David Blumberg, Vice-President
TBA, Treasurer
Sue Gulledge, Secretary
Hope Dover, Member-At-Large

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